Under October Skies- the new coffee table gift book

It's been a while since I updated this page, but I've been really busy with my first book of photos of Acadia National Park. A year ago, I began the road to to self-publishing a book of fine art photos of Acadia, from my collection of images taken over almost a decade of photographing the Park. You can read more about the book by clicking the "Books" link above, but as of this week, the books are ready to be shipped out to buyers. Over one hundred books have already been delivered since the first edition of 1,000 copies arrived.


My ultimate goal in creating the book was to produce the most beautiful book of Acadia photographs that has ever been published– I'll leave it to readers to decide for themselves if I succeeded– but that's what I was striving for. Already the book has been described as "museum quality", "terrific presentation", "outstanding" and "absolutely beautiful" by readers. I wanted it to have the look and feel of a high quality fine art book by making it big (12x12 inches), using heavy (180gsm) fine art paper, and contracting with an experienced printer to do the offset printing (the book wasn't printed using an online book printer, but on an actual printing press). It's been very time consuming but also enjoyable to go through the process of self-publishing– to be able to control the whole process from start to finish, and end up with the quality book I really wanted.

It wasn't inexpensive printing 1,000 copies of a book like this, and the price reflects the quality of the materials and the time that went into producing it. However, if you're looking for a beautiful book of fine art photography, or for a high quality souvenir from your visit to Acadia, Under October Skies won't disappoint you.

Five percent of the selling price from each book will be donated to the Friends of Acadia, a non-profit organization based near the national park, dedicated to protecting and sustaining the Park for today's visitors and for future generations.

To order your copy of Under October Skies, which includes free shipping in the US, click here.




New Under October Skies Video


Welcome to the new Images of Acadia