Images of Acadia Fine Art Photography

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You could say Acadia National Park is divided into three major areas. On Mount Desert Island (MDI), there's the East side– where the majority of visitors stay– which includes the major sites like Cadillac Mountain, Jordan Pond, Ocean Drive, Sand Beach and Eagle Lake. The West side of MDI is commonly known as the 'quiet side' due to the fact that it gets far less visitors. But it does have the wildly popular (and wildly crowded) Bass Harbor lighthouse, as well as several great walking trails. I've photographed the East and West sides extensively, but there was one location I had never made it to until this year.

Schoodic Peninsula is back on the mainland, 45 miles and an hour's drive from MDI. It's been a part of the national park since 2002 after being home to a naval base since 1935. On the day I decided to go, it was windy but bright and sunny. Since Schoodic Point juts out into the ocean further than any part of MDI, I had a feeling the waves might be worth photographing. I wasn't disappointed.

I spent four hours photographing waves that day. I've photographed a lot of waves in Acadia but I think these were the best ever. I also made some slow motion video of waves crashing onto the rocks which I'll share here soon. I could've stayed on Schoodic all day- just watching the ocean is so hypnotic.